Personal Assessments

Personal Assessments are fundamental to a complete practice at Second Circle. In order to fully engage your practice, it’s important to investigate your own body’s needs and habits. While you can develop a basic understanding of your personal patterns in a public class, deeper work requires we slow down and unpack things a bit. A Personal Assessment isn’t a private class, it’s a moving conversation about the practice.

In your Personal Assessment, we will work through various poses slowly and intentionally so we can determine your individual needs. This process will cover:

  • Personal strengths and limitations

  • Injury history

  • Practice goals

  • “Homework” postures that you can do regularly outside of a yoga studio to develop healthy body patterns

  • “Cheats” you may use unconsciously that may limit the effectiveness of your practice

We recommend all students get an initial 90 minute assessment at some point, followed by regular 60 minute ‘tune-ups’ every 3-6 months to meet their changing needs,