Good Stuff

Welcome to Second Circle’s little online content library. Here you will find the blogs, videos, podcasts, and other things that we love. Some of it is challenging, some of it insightful, some of it is just fun. Dive on in, the water’s fine.


On Being - Natalie Batalha
"When you do science you step out of the planet Earth. You look back, down at this blue sphere and you see a world with no borders. You see a tiny mote of dust suspended on a sunbeam. You see the expanse of the cosmos and you realize how small you are and how connected we are and that we are all the same. And that what's good for you has to be what's good for me."

Invisibilia - Emotions
“It feels like emotions just come at us, and there is nothing we can do. But we might have it backwards. We look at an unusual legal case and examine a provocative new theory about emotions.”

Mindscape - Antonio Damasio
“When we talk about the mind, we are constantly talking about consciousness and cognition. Antonio Damasio wants us to talk about our feelings. But it’s not in an effort to be more touchy-feely; Damasio, one of the world’s leading neuroscientists, believes that feelings generated by the body are a crucial part of how we achieve and maintain homeostasis, which in turn is a key driver in understanding who we are.”
